Get a Lfe
Titling to come later.
This blog. THis blog needs an dexplanation?
I type with my eyes closed. I don't correct. I just type, hit send. No editing. Do I even have time for more? Who had time for a fully edited blog.
Plants must stan up straight. I tied some of the offenders to stakes today. Now they will look proper with their wood, metal, and plastic prosthetics point ing them to the true up as dictated by gravity on this tiny but consequential globe. Up up up up up. We must all be up. Can't be down, no.
In space there is no up nor down. What direction is there? In and out. There is in and out. Inside of me. Outside of me. Inside words. Outside words. Ideas coming in, ideas coming out There is that.
The concept of in and out reques and I. In the place where there is no I, there is no direction whatsoever. just flow. Growth? How would you tell? Desire? Maybe. Desire feels possible, even with no I. Hard to tell exactly, however because I haven't experienced life without the I. Lfe.
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